Friday, November 6, 2009

Social Media Hall Monitor

The old guard is skeptical. Social media is bad.

"If I don't use it or understand it, then it can't be good."

But all the evidence seems to be pointing to the fact that social media can work as a marketing vehicle. Brandweek cites a study that shows people are influenced by brands that use social media, have visited brand e-commerce sites linked from social media sites, and have actually had conversations about brands on social media sites.

"...46 percent of social media users have recommended or talked about a product or brand on Facebook, and 44 percent have done the same on Twitter."
Despite the positive things that could happen to a brand using social media, companies continue to ban it. It's clear that more than half of CIOs don't have an interest in the success of their employers marketing efforts. They are missing the point. Most ban it for fear that it will distract employees from their duties, but many things can distract people from their duties. Businesses that feel the need for "network hall monitors" might need better employees, not social media bans.

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